Dans in Ontwikkeling 4
‘WolFloW’ | Residency project
A performance by the Lithuanian / Colombian choreographer and video artist Laisvie Ochoa. In her choreographies she makes frequent use of cinematographic, cinematic techniques. She is looking for a form in which ‘real’ and virtual characters meet and share the stage together. In terms of content, Laisvie gives shape to a strong female universe from a feminist perspective. She is mainly inspired by young women who speak out for social change, in her work these statements are highlighted and emphasized. Laisvie is currently following the master’s degree in choreography at Codarts Rotterdam and Fontys Tilburg.
Concept and choreography: Laisvie Andrea Ochoa Gaevska. Dance: Alice Gioria, Giorgia Belotti, Ewa Sikorska.
‘Die Verwandlung’
The metamorphosis investigates the tumult and stress of a body in change. This poetic and timeless representation presents the transformation of an abstract entity into an individual with many faces. Dancers bring aluminum blankets to life that reveal a multitude of forms and thus become carriers of narrative qualities. The Verwaldlung refers to the mutations and transformations that human beings undergo to overcome obstacles in their path. Sophie Mayeux received the ITs choreography prize 2016 for this performance.
Concept and choreography: Sophie Mayeux. Dance: Sophie Mayeux and Simon Caillaud.